Table of Contents

Preparing and loading substrate

Ebeam steps

Try to follow these 8 steps to develop a nice working routine.

    • when doing overlay: first 3-point alignment in Local CS then follow with WF alignment)

1. Preparations

Making sure everything behaves normally before really starting.

PC Typical beam current
110 nA
51.3 nA
60.8 nA
8 0.3 nA
100.150 nA
120.05 nA

2. Origin

Define the origin of the global coordinate system on your sample. Typically this is the lower left corner.

3. Focus

Focusing will determine the resolution of your patterning. Do this well.

4. Writefield Alignment

when doing an overlay: first perform a 3-POINT ALIGNMENT in local CS and then perform a WF ALIGNMENT

With a writefield alignment the beam coordinate system is aligned with the stage coordinate system. Without a proper writefield alignment you will get stitch errors at writefield boundaries.

5. Beam current

The beam current is used to calculate the exposure time to reach the exposure dose of your resist.

6. Exposure parameters

Based on the measured beam current and the sensitivity of your resist you can now calculate the exposure parameters.

7. Position list

In the position list you decide what and where to pattern. You can choose the order of patterning and add all sorts of automation scripts.

8. Scan

Unloading your sample


Each resist typically has a dedicated developer. PMMA type resist can in general be developed by MIBK or a MIBK/IPA solution. See resist recipes for the specific developing process for a specific resist.

Lift off

As for developing, a resist typically has a dedicated remover. Most resists can be removed -lifted off- with aceton. See resist recipes for the specific lift off process for a specific resist.


3-point alignment

WF alignment on markers

Tips and tricks


Move the stage to a empty part of the waferholder. Turn on the beam and make sure focus is good. Press 'AUTO' next to 'HEAT' in VegaTC. The system will find the optimal saturation point for heating of the filament and will perform an auto gun alignment. Check if the gun tilt and gun shift values are between -20% and 20%. If the values are 0% this means the procedure failed. To high values need be adjusted with a mechanical alignment of the filament, find a technician to do this for you.

Switching PC

Often it is necessary to switch to a lower PC to write large structures. PC-1 has a 700nm spot size, compared to a 70nm spot size for PC-10. FIXME Writing large structures >1µm, can be done with a high PC, but will require long patterning times.
Since the spot size of PC1 is large, the resolution to do a proper writefield alignment is low. For this reason the PC is changed after the writefield alignment is performed at PC-10, but before the beam current is measured. Switching between PC generally introduces a small shift in the pattern. When you take into account this error during the design of your pattern you can easily correct for the shift without going through the trouble of a proper writefield alignment for a low PC.

Keyboard shortcuts


CTRL-right click on the wafermap will move the stage to the position. This is used when you want to navigate close to the origin and when doing 3-point alignment.
CTRL-left click will point to a feature to do an alignment. This is used during manual writefield alignment.
L – shows the layer information of your design
W - shows working area information of your design
H – selects the handtool to move around on the design
T – opens the toolbox.


Double click to create a reduced area in the SEM image. When reduced area is active you can change the size of the area using the right mouse button.

Common problems

Failed WF alignment

A failed WF alignment typically happens when a particle isn't anymore in the field of view (FoV) of the WF alignment procedure. This indicates the parameters have drifted from the optimal settings after a -few- bad WF alignments. A bad WF aligment can be due to: bad focus, WF alignment at low PCs (low resolution), particle not centred, etc…
In the second tab 'writefield' control, open 'writefield manager', reset the WF alignment. Choose a WF alignment with large FoV (> 10µm). After this rough WF alignment reset the shift values in the writefield manager. Then perform the WF alignment you need till you're happy with the correction values in Raith Protocol Tool.

Extra reading
