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UHV He3 STM Logbook

Log here the cooldowns: Name_setup/Date-start/He-level start/He-level end/Sample/T-range/Magnetic field range/Date-end/Notes. Under “Notes” report whether He has been refilled during the cooldown. End date is defined when the sample/insert is taken out to air.

Name STM/setup Name Operators Date start (dd/mm/yy) He-start (mm) He-end (mm) Sample T-range (K) UHV pressure (mbar) H-range (T) Date-end (dd/mm/yy) Notes
S-STMfederica 06-02-07 0 0 several 3006.6 10-8 none18-02-07 initial testings
S-STMfederica 19-02-07 0 0 MoGe/Au(50nm) old cap layer 300 6.6 10-8 none 22-02-07 further testing of the scanner.
S-STMfederica 26-02-07 0 0 MoGe/Au(50nm) 2302073006.6 10-8 none 16-03-07 further testing. Problems with signal stability. No scanning possible. Change tip. Succeded, but when mounting the sample back the sample-holder holder comes loose! UHV have to opened again! :-(
S-STMfederica april-07 0 0 n.a. 300 A.P. none end may-07 repair of sample and tip holders. “Upgrade” of the Z-motor spacers into a frame that provides mechanical stop mechanism to avoid spring deformation during tip exchange. New coarse approach “policy”, see blog.
S-STMfederica 08-06-07 0 0 several 300-100 5 10-10 none 04-07-07 Successfull, until problems with tip/sample transfer interrupt the run. Lowest T reached is 100K
S-STMfedericabeg-09-07 several300-904 10-100-7nov-07 successfull but still using “bad method” to change tip/sample by “grabbing” the insert using un-wanted friction between the 1K shield and the he-3 shield
S-STMfederica01-02-08several (LCMO)300-1K4 10-100-703-04-08 successfull, used mostly as variable T above 90K. Condensed once. Several modifications were done to the system -before cooling, at the beginning of the year- which worked after all! (see blog) :-)
S-STMfederica28-04-2008several (LCMO and MoGe)300-0.34 10-100-627-06-2008 very successfull, reached 0.3 K 2 times, measured MoGe gap. Some problems with 50Hz at very low biases. :-)
S-STMfederica08-10-2008MoGe,NbGe,STO/YBCO/Au2-0.33.5 10-10 0-5.519-12-2008 Very successful run: 1. worked for 2 months between 0.3 and 2K. 2. Measured MoGe, NbGe gaps. Imaged vortices in both. Observed ZBP in YBCO, in filed too up to 5T :-)
S-STMfederica+simon22-01-2009 YBCO on STO, H-HOPG, PdFe/Nb 0.3K-2K2.5 x 10-10 0-829-04-2009 Very successful run ends after 3 months because of problems with the coarse approach - TiC coating of the slider is completely worn after 1.5 yrs of continuous usage… ;-) 8-)
stm/logbook_uhv_stm.txt · Last modified: 2009/05/18 08:23 by galli

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