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Jeol JSPM-4500A

The STM is a UHV SPM microscope that combines a AFM with a STM and currently has a base pressure of approximately 2·10^-8 mbar. It is equipped with a RHK R9 controller with a supplied Mathbox from RHK and a Femto Preamplifier. In the current configuration as of 2016-02-25, it has capabilities for Argon sputtering, evaporation by Knudsen cell, annealing by button heater. The AFM has not been used in a few years and, nor has the LEED.

During the first week of March, some maintenance is planned to adress some of the problems the instrument has been suffering from. These changes can be followed here: March 16' revolution. Further, a project for designing and implementing a closed loop capacitive coarse movement tracking has been initialized by a new B.Sc. project.

stm/jeol_jspm-4500a.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/04 08:37 by galli

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