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30/01/05 (darko)

Half wafer sputtered Ag2S (10 min), than made bars (Ag 10 min, Ag 5 min, Au 5 min) such that half line is on the Ag2S, half on clean wafer. On SEM (didn’t save any pictures):

Ag2S side: Ag 10 min showed cones with the distances about 1micron or less, between each other. On the edge of the Ag2S some sort of tree or root-like structure started forming, like the cones were connected.

Ag 5 min showed cones with distances of about 10 microns and Au nothing that I could resolve.

Clean side had no structure in all 3 bars.


ag2s/sample_register.txt · Last modified: 2005/02/03 09:31 by

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