The Z407 Automatic sputter system is located in the sputterlab at the 6th floor. The system is designed to work with a background pressure <1E-5 mBar but can be as low as 5E-7 mBar. The usable gases are Ar, N2 or O2.

step 1: check if somebody is using it, and if the desired target is in.

step 2: press vent in the software, in ~2 min you should be able to open the lid.

step 3: let the motor rotate to position 4 (in the software)

step 4: place your substrate on the right table, the left table is not cooled.

step 5: pump down system

step 6: put in your desired recipe (time, target, table and duty cycle) The pressure and power will be set to default if you leave it open (5E-3 mBar, 1000V). Press No at duty cycle sputtering, unless you need it.

step 7: press start, the system will automatically turn itself off after it finished sputtering.

step 8: vent system again to receive your substrate.

step 9: pump down again.

step 10: if any error messages pop up, contact a technician.

The system is designed user friendly and the only mistake that can be made is if you turn off the motor and rotate the targets yourself. after this you have to tell the system which position it is. This can be done by pressing the actual position in the software.

The on/off sputtering is used for heat sensitive devices. This way it will sputter for short intervals. Your substrate receive less heat especially if you silver glue it on the table, but the thickness can be a off due to motor speed.