Flat Au on MoGe

Recipe for flat Au: 25% Ar, 39% O2, 1 kV (for avoiding oxidation of interface: first 8 sec without O2)

  1. Note background pressure in logbook.
  2. Switch on cooling water (blue button).
  3. Check the timings and positions for the (pre) sputtering, note this in the logbook.
  4. Switch on power supply (red turning knob). It takes 2 minutes for the RF generator to warm up.
  5. Set the Argon flow setpoint (using the software, usually around 30-50 sccm) and set the MFC valve to 'Normal'.
  6. Check that the desired pressure is reached (typically 5E-3 mbar), if not adjust the flow accordingly.
  7. Switch on the mass flow controller electronics (for the O2 and N2 MFC's)
  8. Select the channel for O2 on the electronics
  9. Set the flip switch for O2 to the middle (regulating) position and set 39% with the potentiometer knob
  10. After the flow has stabilised, leave the flow settings as they are and put the flip switch in down position (close)
  11. Pres puttering
    1. Select Au target with HV target selector knob (left of the chamber).
    2. Set the Au target to the pre sputter position.
    3. Set the DC voltage meter to 1 kV full scale (right display).
    4. Turn the HV setpoint to zero (black knob on power supply).
    5. Turn HV on (two on/off buttons).
    6. Set 500 V RF (2nd display from the left, 5 kV scale).
    7. Increase the flow setpoint temporarily to 75 sscm and check that the pressure rises.
    8. Wait until the plasma ignites (right display shows non-zero value).
    9. Quickly check that the ignited target is at pre sputter position (look through window, purple glow at front position).
    10. Next set the flow to the original value and check that the pressure stabilises at 5E-3 mbar.
    11. Set the DC potential to the desired value (typically 1 kV).
    12. With the pressure and the plasma stable, time the pre sputtering of Au
    13. When finished set HV setpoint to zero and switch off HV (red HV off button)
    14. Repeat the pre sputtersteps above for the MoGe target, but leave the target ignited after pre sputtering!
  12. Sputtering
    1. With the MoGe target still ignited, move the target over your samples and time the deposition
    2. Move back the MoGe target to pre sputter position and set HV setpoint to zero and switch off HV (red HV off button)
    3. Select Au target with HV target selector knob (left of the chamber).
    4. Set the Au target to the pre sputter position.
    5. Set the DC voltage meter to 1 kV full scale (right display).
    6. Turn the HV setpoint to zero (black knob on power supply).
    7. Turn HV on (two on/off buttons).
    8. Set 500 V RF (2nd display from the left, 5 kV scale).
    9. Increase the flow setpoint temporarily to 75 sscm and check that the pressure rises.
    10. Wait until the plasma ignites (right display shows non-zero value).
    11. Quickly check that the ignited target is at pre sputter position (look through window, purple glow at front position).
    12. Next set the flow to the original value and check that the pressure stabilises at 5E-3 mbar.
    13. Set the DC potential to the desired value (typically 1 kV).
    14. With the pressure and the plasma stable, move the target over your samples and time the deposition
    15. After 8 seconds blend in O2 by setting the O2 flip switch to the middle position again
    16. Finish deposition and move target to pre sputter position
    17. Set the O2 flip switch to down position
    18. Wait for the flow to be < 1% and switch off MFC electronics
    19. Set HV setpoint to zero and switch off HV (red HV off button)
  13. End
    1. Close the MFC ('Close' button in software, read dialog, press OK).
    2. Switch off HV power supply (left red turning knob).
    3. Switch off cooling water.
    4. Check that the mass flow controller valve is closed (indicated in the software by 'Vlv: C').
  14. Vent with normal operating procedure