A wiki or wikiwikiweb is a website that can be modified by everyone. The wikiengine of the NanoLab wiki is dokuwiki, a free groupware documentation system. The system keeps a complete revision log of the changes that are made and logs who has updated which files.

If you want to edit a page because you have developed a new process, found a missing step in a manual or otherwise know how to improve this website you can click the Login button and click Edit this page. If you do not have an account yet, after clicking Login click Register and enter your account name, full name and e-mail address. A password will then be e-mailed to you (keep this e-mail). This function is only accessible for people inside the institute. You do not have to know HTML to edit the pages, the syntax is very simple! (if you see an error on the syntax page just reload it) And if that were not enough, there are some graphical helper buttons in the editor! It will take less than 2 minutes to learn!

If you want to add a page contact Marcel Hesselberth

A final tip: to get back to the start page you can always click the NanoWiki text in the upper right corner of this window. Have fun!