
Download here (measurementslog.pdf) template for printed logbook. It is very important to keep a rigorous logbook for every measurement (measurementslog.pdf)and for any maintenance action (maintenancelog.pdf), either on the STM or on the cryostat. A notebook is provided, to make notes. Nevertheless NEVER FORGET to fill in the above provided template AND the below more schematic logbook.

Log here the cooldowns: Name_setup/Date-start/He-level start/He-level end/Sample/T-range/Magnetic field range/Date-end/Notes. Under “Notes” report whether He has been refilled during the cooldown. End date is defined when the sample/insert is taken out to air.

Name STM/setup Name Date start (dd/mm/yy) He-start (mm) He-end (mm) Sample T-range (K) H-range (T) Date-end (dd/mm/yy) Notes
F-STM/green-c.federica 10-03-06 460 200 HOPG 300-5 (VTI)none15-03-06He refilled, Z-motor OK.
F-STM/green-c.federica 17-03-06 465 480 MoGe(55nm)/Au(2+2nm)300-4 (VTI)none 22-03-06 He-refill, 20-03-06, 0-540mm, 22-03-06, 380-480mm, Z-motor OK first cooldown, 2nd cooldown fails @ 20K.
F-STM/green-c.federica 23-03-06 440 390 MoGe(55nm)/Au(2+2nm)300-4 (VTI)none 25-03-6 He-refill, 24-03-06, 0-540mm, Z-motor OK.
F-STM/green-c.federica 25-03-06 390 540 LSMO(62nm) on NGO 300-180 (VTI)none 27-03-06 He-refill, 27-03-06, 165-540mm, Z-motor stops SUDDENLY at ~180K. NOTE: I set the spring preload higher (Fs,l~45-50gr) before cooling.
F-STM/green-c.federica 27-03-06 540 400 LSMO(62nm) on NGO 290 (VTI) none 29-03-06 Problems: found out that electrical contact sample-to-sample holder was broken. Silver paste cracked off, it explains fully Z-motor “problem” above.
F-STM/green-c.federica 29-03-06 395 200 LSMO(62nm) on NGO 290-4 (VTI) 0 to +7.88 04-04-06 He-refill:31-03-06, 0-540mm - He-refill:03-04-06, 0-530mm, 03-04-06:magnet quench at 7.88 Tesla. ~20 lts. of Helium are lost. He-refill:03-04-06: 202-410mm. Z-motor OK, at base T and also after quench.
green-cfederica05-04-06Helium refill:0-515mm
F-STM/green-c.federica 05-04-06 490 270 LSMO(20nm) on STO 300-17 (STM)+0 to +7 12-04-06 He-refill:07-04-06, 0-515mm. He-refill:09-04-06, 0-515mm. He-refill:12-04-06, 20-530mm. Z-motor OK till lowest T
F-STM/green-c.federica 12-04-06 200 170 PCMO(80nm) on STO-Nb 300-50 (STM) 0 to +7 14-04-06 He-refill:13-04-06, 0-520mm. Z-motor OK.
F-STM/green-c.federica 14-04-06 170 0 BSSCO, crystal 300-50 (STM) none 14-04-06 let cryostat warm up for Easter. Z-motor OK.
green-cfederica 15-04-06 start warming up
green-cfederica 20-04-06 RT (28 Ω) reached, start pumps
green-cfederica 24-04-06 0540precooling and cooling25-04-6Problem with λ-plate pumping tube (leak). See blog for explanation. Preoceed with cooling down anyway.
F-STM/green-cfederica 26-04-06 530410PCMO(80nm) on STO-Nb300-50 (STM) 0 to +7.3 28-04-06 Z-motor OK. Sample does not show CO-melting. Thinner spot? Magnet OK.
F-STM/green-cfederica 28-04-06 535400PCMO(80nm) on STO-Nb300- 10(STM)0 to +7.317-05-06 Z-motor always OK. Several He-refills…
F-STM/green-cfederica/simon17-05-06540several refills NbSe2 (Leiden Xtal)300-5 (STM)none23-05-06 Z-motor OK down to base T.
F-STM/green-cfederica/simon23-05-06530several refills BSCCO (Ming Li)300-4 (STM)none09-06-06 Z-motor works OK -sometimes slow- down to 4K on STM for at least 4 different consecutive cooldowns. On 09-06-06 it becomes problematic at low T. Take out sample. Z-motor looks ok, contamination appears to be the problem.
F-STM/green-cfederica09-06-06170several refillsBSCOO (Ming Li)300-4 (STM)none 15-06-062 times at base T and both times Z-motor works. Sample contaminated after 2 cooldowns. Take it out to cleave it.
F-STM/green-cfederica15-06-06540several refillsBSCCO (Ming Li)300-4(STM)none 20-06-06Z-motor blocks at 4K due to contamination (while cooling down too fast again T-stm undershooted). At 4K, in liquid, changed the Z-motor driving period from 100μs to 150μs. This change un-blocked the motor, which then worked again and VERY FAST at 4K! Sample looks nevertheless contaminated (wide gaps, no coherence peaks). This and the critical slip-stick of the motor points to contamination problems, maybe now more than normal because of N2 leaking into the He-lines and tank from N2 tank -see issue of λ-plate pumping line being damaged after quench-
F-STM/green-c.federica20-06-06540several refillsNbSe2 #8 no I2 (R.H.)300-4 (STM) none 27-06-06 Bias divider by 100. Used metal film resistors. 2 times at base T and both times Z-motor OK. (not even slow). Note: I did not refill LN2 tank this time.
green-c.federica30-06-06200n.a.emptyn.a.n.a30-06-06Found that the bolds of the top flange of the VTI were pretty loose. Due to the fact that the o-ring is made of In, this might cause leaks in the vacuum interspace. This might explain the high boil-off. Pumped for few hrs with rotary and diffusion pump. If there's ice condensed inside the interspace, this won't help much. Only warming up the cryostat will help.
F-STM/green-c.federica/simon30-06-06490several refillsLSMO/STO-2.0deg STO. (L309)300-50none17-07-06Z-motor OK.
F-STM/green-c.simon17-07-06540several refillsLCMO/STO-2.0deg STO (L402)300-100none27-07-06Z-motor OK.
F-STM/green-c.simon17-07-06540several refillsLSMO/STO-Nb 5nm (L317)300-100none10-08-06Z-motor Ok. Sample was taken out once for sample cleaning and tip re-cutting.
F-STM/green-c.federica/simon10-08-06544425LSMO/STO (20nm) (old L307)300none15-08-06“Streak” problem. Sample looks bad.
F-STM/green-c.federica/simon16-08-06544several refillsOld thick flat Au on MoGe (may06)300none21-08-06Test (“intermezzo”)
F-STM/green-c.federica/simon22-08-06544several refillsLCMO/STO-Nb 100nm (L407)300-250-711-09-06Z-motor OK. Magnet power supply breaks on friday 25-08-06. The next monday swap broken power supply with older Cryogenic SMS80C from AMC group. After about 1 week imaging becomes more and more difficult (see notes). Contamination? Oxigen depletion of the 1st layers?
F-STM/green-c.federica11-09-06544350Old thick flat Au on MoGe (may06)300-200none12-09-06 Test (“intermezzo”)
F-STM/green-c.federica12-09-06544several refillsLCMO/Nb:STO (50nm) L414300-38none18-09-06a-axis growth clear in topo. On 13-09-06, took out the sample and re-cut the tip. Re-cooled right after. Sample and tip OK, still a-axis growth. Re-cooled to 38K.
F-STM/green-c.federica18-09-06510300Old Au on MoGe (may06)300-100none19-09-06Z-motor OK. Sample/tip looked contaminated at 100K.
F-STM/green-c.federica19-09-06544415Old Au on MoGe (may06), same as above300none20-09-06Initially very good conditions. After pulsing the tip, very noisy. See logbook.
F-STM/green-c.federica20-09-06415several refillsOld Au on MoGe (may06), same as above300-35none25-09-06 Z-motor OK.
F-STM/green-c.federica/simon25-09-06370several refills LCMO(50nm)/Nb-STO L414, 3rd piece300-50none28-09-200626-09-06, take out again to “restore” the tip. Had to do this several times afterwards. On 28-09-06 “refreshing” the tip does not help anymore. Take out to etch a W tip. Z-motor OK.
F-STM/green-c.federica/simon28-09-06400several refillsLCMO(50nm)/Nb-STO L414, 3rd piece300-44none05-10-06W-tip (etched). Initially topo+STS ok. Z-motor OK.
F-STM/green-c.federica06-10-06350several refillsLCMO(50nm)/Nb-STO L414, 4th piece300none06-10-06PtIr tip, cut
F-STM/green-c.federica/simon09-10-06544several refillsLCMO(50nm)/Nb-STO L421300-50none 10-06-06 W-tip (etched). RT noisy topography.
F-STM/green-c.federica/simon19-10-06500several refillsLCMO(50nm)/NGO L422300-1490 to +704-11-06 Sample straight from sputtering system to STM, only ~3 hrs gap in air, Z-motor OK.
green-c.federica06-11-06warm up Cryostat warms up in the w.e. because of a leak in the VTI-He tank separation vacuum space
green-cfederica06-11-060470Pump superinsulaion & interspace13-11-06Diffusion pump: oil had to be changed. Changed (50ml, silicon oil 705) on 10-11-06. Recool on 13-11-06, from RT with Helium directly. Capillaries not flushed - needle valve remained closed and VTI+tank kept on clean He pressure during warm up. 100 lt of helium were used to cool. Needle valve opens, there is flow. Everything OK.
F-STM/green-c.federica13-11-06470several refillsLCMO(50nm)/NGO L422300-200 none29-11-06Z-motor OK. Tip had to be re-cut few times.
F-STM/green-c.federica29-11-06fullseveral refillsLCMO(50nm)/NGO L429300-200none23-01-2007Z-motor OK. Cryostat warmed up during Xmas with sample inside
F-STM/green-c.federica22-01-07fullseveral refillsLCMO(50nm)/NGO L429 with Nb-tip (PCAR)300-30 none29-01-07TEST: Point-Contact Andreev Reflection. Z-motor stops at 30K. When STM out, found Z-motor to be loose (Fs,l=20gr instead of 50gr). This -and some contamination- might explain the problems.