Table of Contents


The spin coater in the cleanroom can be used for spin coating resists only.


  1. Cover the spin bowl completely with aluminium foil
  2. Switch on vacuum (black button)
  3. Push 'change pre' and select a recipe
  4. Clean bottom of sample, place it (centered) on the chuck
  5. Mount a tip on the pipet
  6. Open the resist bottle, fill the pipet at the surface, avoid getting air in
  7. Push air bubbles out
  8. Cover the sample with resist, push the start button and immediately place the cover
  9. Dispose the pipet tip and right away close the resist bottle
  10. When done, open cover, remove sample and bake
  11. Clean resist spills with acetone

Warning: recipes 1 and 2 (4000 and 6000 rpm) are standardized, do not change them! Use recipe 3 instead.

To change between the standard recipes, you need to operate on the keyboard of the spin coater (that has no labels anymore). The keyboard has 10 buttons in 2 rows.

_1_ _2_
_3_ _4_
_5_ _6_
_7_ _8_
_9_ _10_


Recipe Step RPM Ramp Time
1 1 400 2 5
1 2 4000 2 1
1 3 6000 6 50
2 1 400 2 5
2 2 4000 4 1
2 3 4000 5 50
