Table of Contents

Resistance evaporator manual


The resistance evaporator is configured for evaporating 3 different materials with a chamber background pressure off ~5e-8mbar.
It is equipped with a crystal thickness monitor below the shutter to set stable conditions, monitor deposition rate during the process and determine total evaporated thickness.
The sampleholder is loaded via a turbo pumped loadlock.

Checking materials and boats

Before loading a sample it is good practice to check if there is material present in the boat and the boats are intact. You cannot check if there is still Cr on the rod, but typically Au runs out before Cr.

DO's and DONT's

Loading the sample

Lowering sample

Repeat for each layer

Stopping the system

Removing the sample

Maintenance and loading materials

Sample holder chiller

Flashing display

An uncontrollable chiller with a flashing display means that there is a firmware bug. The first fix to try is:

This should start up the chiller again with normal functionality. If the problem still persists try to install (overwrite) the firmware by following this manual:

Recipe for flat Au films on Mica

This recipe is used for making flat epitaxial Au films on mica in the resistance evaporator by using the heated sample holder. It consists of a copper heating block with a thermocouple placed inside and the copper wires sticking out from the sample holder are connected to the power source, and the steel wires are connected to the voltage meter (that measures temperature based on thermocouple measurements). The calibration list is given on near the log book.

The steps
