Table of Contents


  1. Chiller temp can be measured (D connector has 0-10V in and out, conversion to C has a weird 10C offset) build thermometer for this
  2. Install new baratron (expected 20060915)
  3. Connect pump exhaust, gaspod and gas cabinet to building exhaust (vastgoed)
  4. Detailed vacuum leak tests
  5. MFC calibration for gases used
  6. Change 380V wall socket plug (25A, 4 mm2 wires)
  7. Build PL7 interlock box
  8. Get 2 25cm diameter (very pure) quartz wafers (Chris)
  9. Repair or replace vacustat


  1. MFC's swapped, O2 and Ar are calibrated for those gases, vacuum leaktest OK (0.0 mtorr/min)
  2. Green gasline to 607 cut & sealed, now dedicated for O2 of both etchers
  3. Burned 2 CD's with mirror of Oxford PC installation
  4. BAM made the planning for the building exhaust line



BCl3 residue easily soluble in water