Table of Contents

Recent Papers HOWTO


Recent publications are listed here so we don't miss something important. Members of the group scan a journal and add interesting publications here. The list is organized by month, there is no year index so papers older than 1 year 'expire' (meaning that they will remain here but the bibliographic record and the link to the pdf file are removed). The list can be edited by everyone, you have to register to get a password (take care: this is a different password than the one for the reservation system! Consider using the 'password feature' of your web browser) The full revision history is kept, so if you accidentally delete everything in a page you can easily restore it by clicking 'old revisions'. You can look at recent changes or do a search by clicking the appropriate button.

How to add a paper

You need to be logged in to the wiki (click the 'Login' button at the bottom) and do 2 things: upload the pdf file and create a bibliographic entry containing a link to the pdf file. Optionally, you can edit the page of the current month so that your bibliographic entry is in its own section reflecting your subject.

Before you start

Upload the pdf file

Add the bibliographic record

Create a section

If you want to create a section in the page use a level 4 header (5 '=' signs) and move your entry into it, you can read more about wiki syntax here.

Save the information