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The masks are designed such that positive resists can be used. AZ5214 can also be used in 'image reversal' mode (that requires a reversal bake and a flood exposure). The optical resist processes are very uncritical because we make all small features with the e-beam.


Negative tone optical resist for single-layer lift-off Official resist page
This resist comes from DIMES (courtesy C. Martin, AMC). There is a TUDelft recipe for it here. Leiden recipe:

  1. Make sure your Si/SiO2 chips are clean (acetone does not always help, I use 10min O2 plasma etch in Plasmalab90)
  2. Spin MaN1410 resist at 3000rpm (recipe 3 custom, 30-45sec gives ~1um). If resist does not stick, clean chips as described above
  3. Bake, 90 C, at least 90 sec
  4. Expose, 15 sec
  5. Develop, MaD 533s for 15 sec (maybe even a bit less)
  6. Rinse, DI water, 30 sec
  7. Dry, N2 (blow-dry the water)
  8. If needed, postbake (90 C, x min)

Here is a graph of the time neede to dissolve the exposed parts in maD 533s, as function of exposure time. Dissolving unexposed parts takes 20 sec. UV meter gave 28 MW/cm2.



  1. Spin AZ5214E resist, recipe 1 or 2 of the spinner (6000 or 4000 rpm)
  2. Bake, 90 C, 2.5 min
  3. Expose, 15 sec
  4. Develop, AZ312 MIF (metal ion free) developer : DI water 1:1, 40 sec (or just look at the process, don't time it)
  5. Rinse, DI water, 30 sec
  6. Dry, N2 (blow of the water very carefully for materials that give bad adhesion)
  7. If needed, postbake (90 C, 3 min)

MaP 1205

  1. Spin MaP 1205 resist, recipe 1 or 2 of the spinner (6000 or 4000 rpm)
  2. Bake, 100 C, 30 sec
  3. Expose, 15 sec
  4. Develop, MaD 532 : DI water 9:1, 30 sec (just look at the process, don't time it)
  5. Rinse, DI water, 30 sec
  6. Dry, N2 (blow of the water very carefully for materials that give bad adhesion)
  7. If needed, postbake (90 C, 3 min)
  8. After etching: remove remaining resist with acetone

Here is a graph of the time needed for developing, as function of the maD-532-concentration. Exposure time was 15 sec (this is very uncritical). UV meter gave 29 MW/cm2.


HPR 205

  1. Spin HPR 205 resist, recipe 1 or 2 of the spinner (6000 or 4000 rpm)
  2. Bake, 90 C, 2.5 min
  3. Expose, 15 sec
  4. Develop, AZ312 MIF (metal ion free) developer : DI water 1:1, 40 sec (or just look at the process, don't time it)
  5. Rinse, DI water, 30 sec
  6. Dry, N2 (blow of the water very carefully for materials that give bad adhesion)
  7. If needed, postbake (90 C, 3 min)