This small HOWTO is to help in installing LabVIEW on a Linux machine.

  1. Install Debian GNU/Linux 3.1r4 (actual stable release, january 2007)
  2. install package alien
  3. install KDE and/or GNOME (LabVIEW says it has desktop integration with this two)
  4. copy the LabVIEW installation CD on the hard disk (i.e. /root/labview)
  5. issue bash INSTALL from the dir where the disc has been copied.
  6. answer to the installer questions
  7. For some reasons something went wrong and some packages were not installed: manually install, if not present packages nicvirte-5.0.1-3.i386.rpm and nivisa-3.4.0-f0.i386.rpm. You do this launching:
    alien -t nicvirte-5.0.1-3.i386.rpm
    alien -t nivisa-3.4.0-f0.i386.rpm
  8. now you should manually install the outputted tgz files:
    1. copy them to /
    2. tar zxf <namefile>.tgz from /.
  9. if you have problems with the serial port (and VISA) follow instruction on Forums National Instruments
  10. To answer your question, looks like you don't have VISA configured properly. Try going to /usr/local/vxipnp/linux/NIvisa/ to run 'visaconf' and 'NIvisaic' for configuration and intereaction, respectively. You may have to do this as root. When done, the VISA resource name should magically appear in the control pull-down of your app. If you don't see it in the control, then it usually means that visaconf hasn't been run properly.
  11. It may happen that the system complains about some missing libraries: then do the following: place the following in your/etc/
    Then run ldconfig as root. This will configure the run-time bindings to the shared libraries. Look at the man page for details.