Table of Contents

Using different style files

If you do not permission to add new style files to the latex directory, (probably found at something like c:\Program Files\texmf\tex\latex\base and/or c:\Program Files\texmf\tex\generic\babel ) then instead you can just load the style file into the same directory as your .tex document, (if you download it, remember to save it with the extension option 'all files' and ending with .sty, and NOT .txt, or it won't work).

After this you should double click on the program mo.exe (probably found in c:\Program Files\texmf\miktex\bin ) and then select 'Refresh Now'. This will make sure that all of the new files are located, and can be used when you latex things.


Below are listed a number of internet resources explaining the basics of LaTeX and/or more advanced topics.

General / beginners guide:

CTAN: A store of packages and style files:

Physical Review's stuff on RevTeX:

Overview of several LaTeX commands:

Examples how to make tables and references:

Not so short introduction to LaTeX lshort.pdf

Dutch manual

Example files

The following can be used as templates / guides for creating different types of Latex document.

Smaller documents

For smaller things it is not necessary to separately call different chapters, or use Bibtex. e.g. a RevTex (Physical review style) document: prb.pdf, constructed via the .tex file: cbellpaper.tex (figures not included).

Larger documents:

A frontpage (e.g. frontpage.tex) of the document calls one or more smaller chapters, (experimental.tex), which in turn call a bibliography file, (bigbibli.bib), which is processed using Bibtex, giving a final result: frontpage.dvi . (The figures are not included).