Apart from controlling your instrumentation, you should be able to write down your measurements! It's not easy in LabVIEW to append data to a file, unless you want to use the predefined LabVIEW WriteToSpreadsheet.vi .

The AppendToFile.vi does exactly this job: accepts as input the file path and the string buffer to write, and then it opens the file and appends the buffer to the file and then it closes the file. This function is written in LabVIEW 8.0.

Some stuff for windows in Labview 7.1: please let me know if there are bugs! (chris)

* I-V curves with Keithleys keithley_measure_iv.llb measure_iv_with_keithleys.llb This has all of the subvis to measure an IV with a 220 or 224 current source (assuming a minimum step size of 100pA) with various different current ramps possible, and either a 181 or 2182 nanovoltmeter. The only bug I know of, is something funny at exactly 0 current.