Table of Contents


The K-cell evaporator is equipped with a Riber cell with a PBN crucible. The maximum temperature is 1350 C. The system is pumped with a turbo pump and can achieve a pressure in the 1e-8 mbar range after bake out (5e-7 without baking and 1 day of pumping). The system has a programmable Eurotherm temperature regulator and a manually operated shutter.


Venting the chamber

  1. Switch off the ion gauge
  2. Switch off the turbo pump and rotary pump
  3. Vent slowly with the green valve on the turbo

Mounting the substrate

  1. Release the KF clamp and remove the sample holder
  2. Mount the sample using the spring
  3. Mount the sample holder and tighten the KF clamp

Pump down

  1. Switch on the rotary pump
  2. Wait 5 min, you can hear from the sound of the rotary pump when the final pressure is reached ( there is no pirani to measure intermediate pressure)
  3. Switch on the turbo pump
  4. When the turbo pump is at full speed (all the green LED's are on) the ion gauge can be switched on by pushing emission
  5. Pump until the desired pressure is reached (but always <1e-6 mbar)

Evaporating a film

  1. Program the Eurotherm with the Eurotherm control program (let the K-cell degas above the deposition temperature)
  2. Open the shutter and time the deposition
  3. Close the shutter


  1. Let the Eurotherm control program cool down the K-cell
  2. Let the K-cell cool down completely to RT before removing the sample

Deposition rates

Material Date User Process parameters Measured with Result Rate
SiO2 20100331 Boltje 1090 oC X-ray 44 nm 2.2 nm/min