Table of Contents



Sample Loading

  1. Lift the top plate and remove the glass cylinder. Take care that the top-plate does not fall forward. The target can be damaged by striking the sample table.
  2. Place your sample, mounted on a stub, on the stage.
  3. Unlock the tilt lever of the stage.
  4. Set tilt at desired angle and lock the tilt lever again.
  5. If a thickness controlled process will be used change the angle of the thickness crystal so that it faces towards the sputter target.
  6. Check that the stage isn't hindered by the wire of the thickness crystal by letting the stage rotate at the desired speed.
  7. Replace glass cylinder and gently lower the top plate. Check that the top plate sits correctly on the glass cylinder.
  8. Turn on the system and allow the system to pump to better than 0,01 mbar and then wait for another 5 minutes.

Automatic Controlled Process


  1. Select Auto with the auto/manual button.
  2. Select timer.
  3. Set pre-sputtering time at 10 seconds by holding PAUSE/TEST and pressing the timer SET buttons.
  4. Set pre-sputter current to desired value by holding the SET mA button and pressing the timer SET buttons. Available currents 20, 40, 60, and 80 mA.
  5. Make sure the shutter is closed
  6. Press CYCLE/STOP to start pre-sputering process. The system will proceed through its standard cycle.


  1. Select timer for a timed process or MTM for a thickness controlled process.
    1. Timed process, Change sputtering time by holding PAUSE/TEST and pressing the timer SET buttons. Time can be set between 5 and 300 seconds.
    2. Thickness controlled process
      1. Turn on the thickness monitor (MTM 20)
      2. Set the correct density according to the target material by pressing the DENSITY button once and find the correct setting by scrolling with the scroll buttons.
      3. Set the correct tooling factor according to stage tilt by pressing the TOOLING button once and find the correct setting by scrolling with the scroll buttons.
      4. Set desired coating thickness by holding the TERMINATOR button for one second. The value for the thickness will show up and can be adjusted with the scroll buttons.
  2. Set sputter current to desired value by holding the SET mA button and pressing the timer SET buttons. Available currents 20, 40, 60, and 80 mA.
  3. Set roatating speed of stage at desired value.
  4. Open shutter
  5. Press CYCLE/STOP to start the sputtering process. The system will proceed through its standard cycle.
  6. After sputtering note the final thickness for a thickness controlled process.
  7. Close shutter.

When Done

  1. Switch off the system to automatically vent the chamber, which will take approximately 2 minutes.
  2. Lift the top plate and remove the glass cylinder.
  3. Set tilt of the stage to the horizontal position.
  4. Remove your sample.
  5. Clean inside of the glass cylinder with a tissue and ethanol to keep the glass clear.
  6. Replace glass cylinder and gently lower the top plate. Leave the system vented.

Manual process for Cr-sputtering

  1. Select manual with the auto/manual button.
  2. Select timer for a timed process or MTM for a thickness controlled process.
    1. Timed process, Change sputtering time by holding PAUSE/TEST and pressing the timer SET buttons. Time can be set between 5 and 300 seconds.
    2. Thickness controlled process
      1. Turn on the thickness monitor (MTM 20)
      2. Set the correct density according to the target material by pressing the DENSITY button once and find the correct setting by scrolling with the scroll buttons.
      3. Set the correct tooling factor according to stage tilt by pressing the TOOLING button once and find the correct setting by scrolling with the scroll buttons.
      4. Set desired coating thickness by holding the TERMINATOR button for one second. The value for the thickness will show up and can be adjusted with the scroll buttons.
  3. Set sputter current to 80 mA by holding the SET mA button and pressing the timer SET buttons.
  4. Set rotating speed of stage at desired value.
  5. Open argon flush valve for 10 seconds, then close.
  6. Pump to 0,001 mbar
  7. Open argon flush valve for 3 seconds, then close
  8. Open leak valve.
  9. When pressure reaches better than 0,03 mbar set MTM-20 to ZERO for a thickness controlled process
  10. Press START/STOP to start sputtering
  11. Initially the discharge will be pink of colour. It will turn blue when the surface layer of chromium oxide is removed and chromium begins toe sputter.
  12. When plasma turns blue open the shutter
  13. After sputtering note the final thickness for a thickness controlled process.
  14. Close shutter.

Available Targets

Target Material Atomic Number Density in g/cm³
Pt/Pd (80/20) 78/46 19,52
Cr 24 7,19
Ir 77 22,56

Deposition Rates

Target Material Date User Tilt Current Time Measurement Result Rate
Pt/Pd (80/20) 40 mA
Cr 80 mA
Ir 40 mA