Table of Contents


The barrel etcher is an O2 resist etcher/stripper for post-development cleaning of substrates or cleaning of SEM specimen. It is pumped by a 2-stage rotary pump with Fomblin oil.


  1. Open the O2 cylinder
  2. Turn the valve to vent
  3. When the door pops open, close the vent valve
  4. Remove the glass boat, touch it only with gloves
  5. Put your substrate in the glass boat
  6. Slide the glass boat back into the apparatus, in the middle of the electrodes or 'downstream'
  7. Close the door and switch on the pump
  8. Wait until the pressure drops below 1e-2 mbar
  9. Turn the valve to etch
  10. Set the gas flow so that the chamber pressure is 1e-1 mbar
  11. Switch on the mains of the RF power supply
  12. Switch on RF power (100 W) and time the process (verify that reflected power is zero)
  13. Switch off RF power
  14. Switch off RF power supply
  15. Switch off pump
  16. Vent and remove the sample, turn the valve to off
  17. Leave the system at vacuum with the boat inside and the pump off

Etching rates

Material Date Rate
PMMA 20050202 10 nm/min

Be careful when etching resists on catalyst surfaces like Pd or Pt!