Ag2S News

12 Feb. 2005

New SEM pictures in : “SEM pictures”. Description follows

8 Feb. 2005

New section added: “ag2s thin film deposition :!:

4 Feb. 2005

After writing an I-V measuring program for Ag2S samples and running a few measurements with it I have discovered that the Ag2S device (switch) does not really remain in the ON state if there is no (or very little) voltage applied to it. It decays within seconds to the OFF state, both for Kapton/Au/Ag2S/SilverPaint and SiO2/Au/Ag2S/SilverPaint samples. I think it is time to look very carefully at our Ag2S layer - what is it exactly and how can we optimize it? -Alex

Ag2S Directory

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SEM pictures

AFM pictures


Ag2S thin film deposition


Sample register

Alex'es wish list

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