===== Flat Au on MoGe ===== Recipe for flat Au: 25% Ar, 39% O2, 1 kV (for avoiding oxidation of interface: first 8 sec without O2) - Note background pressure in logbook. - **Switch on cooling water (blue button)**. - Check the timings and positions for the (pre) sputtering, **note this in the logbook**. - Switch on power supply (red turning knob). It takes 2 minutes for the RF generator to warm up. - Set the Argon flow setpoint (using the software, usually around 30-50 sccm) and set the MFC valve to 'Normal'. - Check that the desired pressure is reached (typically 5E-3 mbar), if not adjust the flow accordingly. - Switch on the mass flow controller electronics (for the O2 and N2 MFC's) - Select the channel for O2 on the electronics - Set the flip switch for O2 to the ''middle'' (regulating) position and set 39% with the potentiometer knob - After the flow has stabilised, leave the flow settings as they are and put the flip switch in ''down'' position (close) - **Pres puttering** - Select Au target with HV target selector knob (left of the chamber). - Set the Au target to the pre sputter position. - Set the DC voltage meter to 1 kV full scale (right display). - Turn the HV setpoint to zero (black knob on power supply). - Turn HV on (two on/off buttons). - Set 500 V RF (2nd display from the left, 5 kV scale). - Increase the flow setpoint temporarily to 75 sscm and check that the pressure rises. - Wait until the plasma ignites (right display shows non-zero value). - **Quickly** check that the ignited target is at pre sputter position (look through window, purple glow at front position). - Next set the flow to the original value and check that the pressure stabilises at 5E-3 mbar. - Set the DC potential to the desired value (typically 1 kV). - With the pressure and the plasma stable, time the pre sputtering of Au - When finished set HV setpoint to zero and **switch off HV** (red ''HV off'' button) - Repeat the ''pre sputter''steps above for the MoGe target, but leave the target ignited after pre sputtering! - **Sputtering** - With the MoGe target still ignited, move the target over your samples and time the deposition - Move back the MoGe target to pre sputter position and set HV setpoint to zero and **switch off HV** (red ''HV off'' button) - Select Au target with HV target selector knob (left of the chamber). - Set the Au target to the pre sputter position. - Set the DC voltage meter to 1 kV full scale (right display). - Turn the HV setpoint to zero (black knob on power supply). - Turn HV on (two on/off buttons). - Set 500 V RF (2nd display from the left, 5 kV scale). - Increase the flow setpoint temporarily to 75 sscm and check that the pressure rises. - Wait until the plasma ignites (right display shows non-zero value). - **Quickly** check that the ignited target is at pre sputter position (look through window, purple glow at front position). - Next set the flow to the original value and check that the pressure stabilises at 5E-3 mbar. - Set the DC potential to the desired value (typically 1 kV). - With the pressure and the plasma stable, move the target over your samples and time the deposition - After 8 seconds blend in O2 by setting the O2 flip switch to the ''middle'' position again - Finish deposition and move target to pre sputter position - Set the O2 flip switch to ''down'' position - Wait for the flow to be < 1% and switch off MFC electronics - Set HV setpoint to zero and **switch off HV** (red ''HV off'' button) - **End** - Close the MFC ('Close' button in software, read dialog, press OK). - Switch off HV power supply (left red turning knob). - Switch off cooling water. - Check that the mass flow controller valve is closed (indicated in the software by 'Vlv: C'). - ** Vent with normal operating procedure**