====== Description ====== The Leybold Z-400 is an RF diode sputtering system equipped with 3 3" targets. It has a background pressure of 1e-5 mbar and a deposition pressure of ca. 5e-3 - 8e-2 mbar. The 2 substrate tables are water cooled and can hold substrates up to 3". The system is equipped with 3-channel gas blending for Ar, N2 and O2. The substrate tables can be RF-biassed for RF bias sputtering or ion etching. ====== Manual ====== **WARNING! there is only 1 way to damage the Z-400, that is by changing the HV target selector while HV is ''on''. This will destroy the klystron tube and literally explode the capacitors surrounding it resulting in many months of downtime due to the very long delivery time of these expensive components.** ===== Switch off the pumps ===== - Check that the mass flow controller valve is closed (indicated by CloseMFC in the software) - Close the green valve while holding the tubing (until the arrow points in the middle of the red marker). It needs to be tight, the valve has a end stop - Target cooling water should be turned off - Check that the HV is off (off button on the power supply) and the power supply is off (red turning knob) - Switch off turbo and rotary pump with the 'vacuum switch' ===== Vent the chamber ===== - Decelerate the turbo by slowly venting to 5 mbar using the needle valve and closing it at 5 mbar. - **WAIT 5 MINUTES**. - Now, vent the chamber completely to atmospheric pressure and close the vent valve. - Open the flip-top lid. ===== Mount substrates ===== - The right substrate table is preferred, use the one at the left if needed. - You can use silver paint for thermal contact (dry time: >15 minutes), remove sample with a thin Gilette(tm) razor when you're done and clean substrate table with acetone. - SEM stubs with samples on them can be loaded on the right table if your sample is not too thick (1 mm max). ===== Pump down ===== - Close the flip-top lid. - Start vacuum - When the pressure drops below 1e-2 mbar, open the green valve (use both hands) to keep the gas line clean. - Pump down to base pressure <8e-5mbar (pressure interlock ensures you cannot start power supply if base pressure wasn't achieved) ===== Sputter ===== - Note background pressure in logbook. - Switch on target cooling water - Sputtering process - Select target with HV target selector knob (left of the chamber) - **never operate HV target selector with HV on** - Switch on power supply (red turning knob). It takes 2 minutes for the RF generator to warm up. - Check the timings and positions for the (pre) sputtering, note this in the logbook. - Set the target to the pre sputter position. - Set the Argon flow setpoint (using the software, usually around 30-50 sccm) - Check that the desired pressure is reached (typically 5E-3 mbar), if not adjust the flow accordingly. - Set the DC voltage meter scale to 1 kV (right display). - Turn the HV setpoint to zero (black knob on power supply). - Turn HV on (two on/off buttons). - Set 500 V RF (2nd display from the left, 5 kV scale). - Increase the flow setpoint temporarily to 70 sscm and check that the pressure rises. - Wait until the plasma ignites (right display shows non-zero value). - check that the ignited target is at pre sputter position (look through window, purple glow at front position). - Next set the flow to the original value and check that the pressure stabilizes at 5E-3 mbar. - Set the DC potential to the desired value (typically 1 kV). - With the pressure and the plasma stable, start your process (pre sputtering, sputtering with the correct timings and positions). - When the process is finished (ignited target again at pre sputter position) set the HV setpoint to zero. - Switch off HV (red ''HV off'' button). - If you want to sputter a different material now, redo the procedure from step I. ===== End ===== - Close the MFC ('CloseMFC' button in software). - Switch off HV power supply (left red turning knob). - Switch off target cooling water. - Close green valve (hold the gasline with one hand). - Let a cooled substrates warm up before venting the chamber. - vent the chamber (see above) - remove sample and clean sputterplate if you used silverpaint to glue the sample - pump down (make sure to open the green valve below 1e-2mbar before leaving the lab) ====== Target Materials ====== The following materials are available: * Ag * Al * Al2O3 * Au * Co * Cr * Cu * Cu99Bi0.5 * Fe * FeGe * GdNi * Hf * ITO * MoGe * Mo * Nb * NbGe * Ni * Pt * Py * Si * Si3N4 * SiO2 * SiO2 Cu * Ta * TaCu * Ti * W ---- ====== Recipes & Instructions ====== [[Z-400 Flat Au on MoGe]] ---- ====== Miscellaneous ====== The digital version of the log sheet: {{:z400logbook.pdf|}} ---- ====== Deposition rates Z406 ====== ^ Material ^ Date ^ User ^ Pressure ^ DC Potential ^ Flow ^ Time ^ Measurement ^ Result ^ Rate ^ Notes ^ | Al | 20120522 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar | 148 s | X-ray | 22.5 nm | 9.1 nm/min | | | Al | 20080514 | Jorina | |1kV |25% Ar | 10min | X-ray | 80 nm | 8 nm/min | | | Al | 20100520 | Boltje | 4e-3 mbar |500V |~25% Ar | 10 min | X-ray | 25.6 nm | 2.6 nm/min | | | Al | 20110606 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar | 4 min | X-ray | 38 nm | 9.5 nm/min | | | Al | 20151007 | Timothy | 4.9e-3 mbar | 1kV | 49 sccm | 3 min | X-Ray | 30.0 nm | 10.0 nm/min | | | Al2O3 | 20120606 | Boltje | |1kV |60 sccm Ar, 10% O2 |5 min | X-ray | 9.2 nm | 1.8 nm/min | | | Al2O3 | 20050127 | Gertjan | |1kV |25% Ar |2min | RBS | 8 nm | 4 nm/min | | | Al2O3 | 20100519 | Boltje | 4e-3 mbar |1kV |~25% Ar | 15 min | X-ray | 32.4 nm | 2.2 nm/min | | | Al2O3 | 20111028 | Boltje | |0.5 kV |50 sccm Ar |15min | X-ray | 10.7 nm | 0.71 nm/min | | | Ag | 20111014 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |2min | X-ray | 38.2 nm | 19.1 nm/min | | | Au | 20120404 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |3min | X-ray | 45.6 nm | 15.2 nm/min | | | Au | 20100330 | Boltje | |1kV |~25 Ar |3min | X-ray | 54.3 nm | 18.1 nm/min | | | Au | 20110202 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |2min | X-ray | 29.1 nm | 14.6 nm/min | | | Au | 20111206 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |Xmin | X-ray | 51.4 nm | 15.0 nm/min | | | Au | 20120402 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |80sec | X-ray | 19.2 nm | 14.4 nm/min | | | Co | 20111207 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |545sec | X-ray | 63.1 nm | 6.95 nm/min | | | Co | 20100331 | Boltje | |1kV |25% Ar |3min | X-ray | 16.5 nm | 5.5 nm/min | | | Co | 20110104 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |10min | X-ray | 63.9 nm | 6.4 nm/min | | | Cr | 20090709 | Boltje | |1kV |25% Ar |4min | X-ray | 30.0 nm | 7.5 nm/min | | | Cr | 20141111 | Boltje | 3e-5 mbar |1kV |48 sccm |80 s | X-Ray | 12.8 nm | 9.6 nm/min | | | Cu | 20120606 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |3min | X-ray | 37.6 nm | 12.5 nm/min | | | Cu | 20100203 | Boltje | |1kV |25% Ar |5min | X-ray | 63 nm | 12.6 nm/min | | | Cu | 20110111 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |5min | X-ray | 57.6 nm | 11.5 nm/min | | | Cu | 20111206 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |5min | X-ray | 58.2 nm | 13.4 nm/min | | | Cu | 20120404 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |5min | X-ray | 51.5 nm | 10.3 nm/min | | | Cu-etch | 20120606 | Boltje | | |50 sccm Ar |3 min | X-ray | 2.1 nm | 0.7 nm/min |60W | | Cu99.5Bi0.5 | 20150429 | Boltje | 3e-5 mbar |1kV |50 sccm Ar |120s | X-Ray | 22.0 nm | 11.0 nm/min | | | Co | 20120404 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |10min | X-ray | 68.0 nm | 6.8 nm/min | | | Fe | 20100407 | Boltje | |1kV |25% Ar |4min | X-ray | 22.0 nm | 5.5 nm/min | | | MoGe | 2007 | Edoardo | |1kV |25% Ar |15mins* | X-ray | 84.2 nm | 5.6 nm/min |* no pauses, silver paint| | MoGe | 20080204 | Ivan & Edo | |1kV |25% Ar | 18 mins* | X-ray | 86 nm | 4.8 nm/min |*pauses (1min)| | MoGe | 20110415 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar | 10min | X-ray | 55.3 nm | 5.5 nm/min | | | MoGe* | 20110816 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar |10min | X-ray | 51.5 nm | 5.2 nm/min | | |MoGe | 20170327 | Jean-Pierre | 4.9e-3 mbar |1kV |49 sccm |25 min |Profilometer |137 nm | 5.5 nm/min | | |Nb65Ge35 | 2005 | Bas v Leewuwen| |1kV |25% Ar | - | X-ray | - | 4.89 nm/min | | |Nb65Ge35 | 2004 | Tibi |<3e-6 mbar |1kV |25% Ar | 6 min | X-ray | 28 nm | 4.67 nm/min | | | [[NbN]] | 20111212 | Boltje | |1.0 kV |18% Ar, 10% N2* | x min | X-ray | 71.3 nm | 3.56 nm/min |* no blend| | [[NbN]] | 20050126 | Gertjan | |1.7 kV |18% Ar, 10% N2* | 8 min | RBS/X-ray | 60/75nm | 7.5-9 nm/min |* blend | | [[NbN]] | 20050124 | Olaf | |1.0 kV |18% Ar, 10% N2* | 1356s | X-ray | 49.5 nm | 2.2 nm/min |* no blend| | [[NbN]] | 20080310 | Jorina | |1.0 kV |18% Ar, 10% N2* | 22min 42s | X-ray | 55.15 nm | 2.4 nm/min |* no blend| | Ni | 20110114 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar | 9min | X-ray | 58.8 nm | 6.5 nm/min | | | Ni | 20140325 | Boltje |3e-5 mbar |1 kV |xx sccm | 5 min | X-Ray | 43.5 nm | 8.70 nm/min | | | NiGd | 20051024 | ? | |1kV |25% Ar | | X-ray | 67.5 nm | 6.8 nm/min | | | Pt | 20110307 | Boltje | |0.5kV |50 sccm Ar | 10 min | X-ray | 15.6 nm | 1.56 nm/min | | | Pt | 20120612 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar | 10 min | X-ray | 67.9 nm | 6.8 nm/min | | | Pt | 20061113 | Chris | |0.5kV |25% Ar |2mins | X-ray | 5.0 nm | 2.5 nm/min | | | Py | 20161223 | Mechielsen | |1kV |50 sccm Ar | | AFM | | 7.9 nm/min | | | Py | 20170220 | Casper | 4.8e-3 mbar |1kV |49 sccm | xx min | X-ray | 585 nm | 7.8 nm/min | | | Si | 20150422 | Boltje | 5e-3 mbar |1 kV |49 sccm | 3 min | X-Ray | 23.0 nm | 7.66 nm/min | | | Si3N4 | 20120522 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar | 469 s | X-ray | 36.0 nm | 4.6 nm/min | | | Si3N4 | 20110609 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar | 8 min | X-ray | 31.8 nm | 4.0 nm/min | | | Si3N4 | 20120522 | Boltje | |1kV |50 sccm Ar | 469 s | X-ray | 36.0 nm | 4.6 nm/min | | | SiO2 | 20131114 | Boltje | 5e-3 mbar |1kV |38 sccm | 5 min | X-Ray | 15.4 nm | 3.08 nm/min | | | Ti | 20160428 | Annette | 5.1e-3 mbar |1kV |49 sccm | 10 min | profilometer | 30 nm | 3.0 nm/min | | | W | 20060116 | Vincent | |1kV |25% Ar | 10 min | X-ray | 38.5 nm | 3.9 nm/min | | * repaired target, with a few new Ge pieces ---- ====== Deposition rates Z407 ====== ^ Material ^ Date ^ User ^ Pressure ^ DC Potential ^ Flow ^ Time ^ Measurement ^ Result ^ Rate ^ Notes ^ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----