This page is intended for old reports which can be used as reference. Please include both the original .tex and the complete document (.pdf, or .ps) when adding reports. * Christianne Beekman, master thesis \\ Superconducting properties of Py/Al structures\\ {{:pspdf:christiannebeekman.pdf|}}{{:pspdf:christiannebeekman.tex|}} * Olaf Benningsghof, master thesis \\ Imaging vortices in mesoscopic channels\\ {{pspdf:olafbenningshof.tex}} * Youri de Boer, master thesis \\ Domain walls in thin Py films\\ {{pspdf:yourideboer.pdf}} {{pspdf:yourideboer.tex}} * Martina Dekker, Master's thesis \\ Magnetoresistance in thin film manganites for spintronic applications\\ {{pspdf:maartjeadekker.pdf}} * Muhammad Shahbaz Anwar \\ Magnetic properties of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films.\\ {{pspdf:shahbazanwar.pdf}} * Daan Boltje \\ A study towards the roughness of sputtered Au-films.\\ {{pspdf:daan_thesis.pdf}} * Jorina van der Knaap \\ Optimalization of Tc in NbN films.\\ {{pspdf:Tc-NbN.pdf}} * Jorina van der Knaap \\ Switching behavior of Py/Nb/Py spin valve.\\ {{pspdf:spinvalves.pdf}} * Jan van Ostaay \\ The search for graphene\\ {{pspdf:bachelor_Jan_van_Ostaay.doc}} {{pspdf:bachelor_Jan_van_Ostaay.pdf}} * Hiske Overweg \\ Spin currents in Pt/Co/Pt trilayers, june 2011 \\ {{:pspdf:overweg_verslag_final.pdf|}} * Dirk van Baarle \\ Graphene on Strontium Titanate \\ Towards magnetotransport measurements of graphene on SrTiO3, june 2011 \\ {{:pspdf:dvanbaarle_verslag.pdf|}} * Lennart de Bruin \\ Spin pumping investigations in halfmetallic doped Manganese Oxide, august 2012 \\ {{:pspdf:debruin_verslag_final.pdf|}}