====TODO==== - Chiller temp can be measured (D connector has 0-10V in and out, conversion to C has a weird 10C offset) build thermometer for this - Install new baratron (expected 20060915) - Connect pump exhaust, gaspod and gas cabinet to building exhaust (vastgoed) - Detailed vacuum leak tests - MFC calibration for gases used - Change 380V wall socket plug (25A, 4 mm2 wires) - Build PL7 interlock box - Get 2 25cm diameter (very pure) quartz wafers (Chris) - Repair or replace vacustat ====20060911==== - MFC's swapped, O2 and Ar are calibrated for those gases, vacuum leaktest OK (0.0 mtorr/min) - Green gasline to 607 cut & sealed, now dedicated for O2 of both etchers - Burned 2 CD's with mirror of Oxford PC installation - BAM made the planning for the building exhaust line ====20060904==== * Chamber pumped to 4e-6 mbar, OK * Overpressure tests of SF6, CF4, O2 and Ar lines performed (6 bar), no failures, no leaks * Vacuum tests of all gaslines, all 0.0 mtorr/min (chamber) leak rate but mass flow controllers still have to be swapped * Backups of computer made ====20060901==== * System installed * Reactor removed from chamber, fully disassembled and cleaned * Chamber turbo cleaning / revision * VAT valve disassembly / cleaning * MKS control valve disassembly cleaning * Rough vacuum hoses and connectors disassembled/cleaned * Leybold valves cleaned * Pressure gauges cleaned, new baratron ordered * Gas line overpressure tests (6 bar) * Gas line overpressure leak tests (no measurable loss overnight) * System reassembled * Test run BCl3 residue easily soluble in water