====== October ====== ===== Oxides ===== *J. M. Colino, A. de Andrésa\\ //Huge magnetoresistance in ultrathin La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 films: The role of superparamagnetic clusters and domain walls// \\ Appl. Phys. Lett. **87**, 142509 (2005)\\ {{papers:apl:applphyslett_87_142509.pdf}} *V. Markovich et al.\\ //Electrical transport and glassy response in strained La_0.7Ca_0.3MnO_3//\\ Phys. Rev. B **72**, 134414 (2005)\\ {{papers:prb:current._lacamno.pdf}} *L. M. Wang and Chih-Chian Guo\\ //Anisotropic magnetoresistance and spin polarization of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 superlattices// \\ Appl. Phys. Lett. **87**, 172503 (2005)\\ {{papers:apl:applphyslett_87_172503-1.pdf}} ===== S/F ===== *T. Kimura and Y. Otani, J. Hamrle\\ //Determination of magnetic vortex chirality using lateral spin-valve geometry// \\ Appl. Phys. Lett. **87**, 172506 (2005)\\ {{papers:apl:applphyslett_87_172506.pdf}} ===== Ferroelectrics ===== *Thomas Härtlinga and Lukas M. Eng\\ //Gold-particle-mediated detection of ferroelectric domains on the nanometer scale// \\ Appl. Phys. Lett. **87**, 142902 (2005)\\ {{papers:apl:applphyslett_87_142902.pdf}} *S. Clemens, T. Schneller, and R. Waserb, A. Rüdiger, F. Peter, and S. Kronholz, T. Schmitz and S. Tiedke\\ //Integration of ferroelectric lead titanate nanoislands for direct hysteresis measurements// \\ Appl. Phys. Lett. **87**, 142904 (2005)\\ {{papers:apl:applphyslett_87_142904.pdf}} *C. Thiele, K. Dörr, and L. Schultz E. Beyreuther and W.-M. Lin\\ //Piezoelectrically induced resistance modulations in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/PbZrTiO field effect devices// \\ Appl. Phys. Lett. **87**, 162512 (2005)\\ {{papers:apl:apl87_162512_2005.pdf}} ===== STM/SPM ===== G. Karapetrov, J. Fedor, M. Iavarone, D. Rosenmann, and W. K. Kwok\\ //Direct Observation of Geometrical Phase Transitions in Mesoscopic Superconductors by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy// \\ Phys. Rev. Lett. **95**, 167002 (2005)\\ {{papers:prl:prl_95_oct_2005.pdf}} *Goran Karapetrova, Jan Fedor, Maria Iavarone, M. T. Marshall, R. Divan\\ //Imaging of vortex states in mesoscopic superconductors// \\ Appl. Phys. Lett. **87**, 162515 (2005)\\ {{papers:apl:applphyslett_87_162515.pdf}} *Jhinhwan Lee, Jungseok Chae, Chung Koo Kim, Hyunjin Kim, Seungeun Oh, and Young Kuk\\ //Versatile low-temperature atomic force microscope with in situ piezomotor controls, charge-coupled device vision, and tip-gated transport measurement capability// \\ Rev. Sci. Instr. **76**, 093701 (2005)\\ {{papers:apl:revsciinstrum_76_093701.pdf}} ---- [[papers:september]]-[[papers:november]]