====== May ====== Most recent papers first, organized by category: ===== SPM ===== * A. Kohen et al. \\ //Superconducting vortex profile from fixed point measurements. The "Lazy Fisherman" tunneling microscopy method.// \\ Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 212503 (2005) \\ {{papers:apl:applphyslett_86_212503.pdf}} ===== S and/or F ===== * N. Theodoropoulou et al. \\ //Interface specific-resistance and scattering asymmetry of permalloy/Al// \\ J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08G502 (2006) \\ {{papers:jap:jap_99_08G502_2006.pdf}} * N. Poli et al. \\ //Spin-flip scattering at Al surfaces // \\ J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08H701 (2006) \\ {{papers:jap:jap_99_08H701_2006.pdf}} * M. Urech et al. \\ //Enhanced spin accumulation in a superconductor// \\ J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08M513 (2006) \\ {{papers:jap:jap_99_08M513_2006.pdf}} ===== Plastics ===== * Kwanghee Lee et al. \\ //Metallic transport in polyaniline // \\ Nature 441, 65 (2006) \\ {{papers:nature:nature_441_65_2006.pdf}} ===== Oxides ===== * K. S. Takahashi et al. \\ //Local switching of two-dimensional superconductivity using the ferroelectric field effect// \\ Nature 441, 195 (2006) \\ {{papers:nature:nature_441_195_2006.pdf}} ===== Nanolithography ===== *B. D. Myers et al. \\ //Variable Pressure Electron Beam Lithography (VP-eBL): A New Tool for Direct Patterning of Nanometer-Scale Features on Substrates with Low Electrical Conductivity// \\ Nanoletters 6, 963 (2006) \\ {{papers:nanoletters:nl0601278.pdf}} ===== Nanowires===== *J. Goldberger et al. \\ //Silicon Vertically Integrated Nanowire Field Effect Transistors// \\ Nanoletters 6, 973 (2006) \\ {{:papers:nanoletters:nl060166j.pdf|:papers:nanoletters:nl060166j.pdf}} ---- [[papers:april]]-[[papers:june]]