====== June ====== Most recent papers first, organized by category: ===== **2006** ===== Test: changed by galli ===== STM ===== * Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin, Christopher P. Lutz, Andreas J. Heinrich\\ //Spin Coupling in Engineered Atomic Structures// \\ Science 312, 1021 (2006) \\ {{papers:science:science_312_1021_2006.pdf}} ===== S/F ===== * D. Morecroft et al.\\ //Influence of contact geometry on the magnetoresistance of elliptical rings// \\ APL 88, 172508 (2006) \\ {{papers:apl:apl_88_172508_2006.pdf}} * V. A. Oboznov et al.\\ //Thickness Dependence of the Josephson Ground States of Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Junctions// \\ PRL 96, 197003 (2006) \\ {{papers:prl:prl_96_197003_2006.pdf}} * V. Shelukhin et al.\\ //Observation of periodic pi-phase shifts in ferromagnet-superconductor multilayers// \\ PRB 73, 174506 (2006) \\ {{papers:prb:prb_73_174506_2006.pdf}} ===== Oxides ===== *Y. Takamura et al.\\ //Tuning Magnetic Domain Structure in Nanoscale La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Islands// \\ NanoLetters **6** 1287 (2006)\\ {{:papers:nanoletters:nllsmodomains.pdf|:papers:nanoletters:nllsmodomains.pdf}} ===== **2005** ===== ===== S/F ===== * Champel and Eschrig \\ //Switching superconductivity in superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers by multiple-domain structures// \\ Phys. Rev. B 71, 220506 (2005) \\ {{papers:prb:champelprb71_220506.pdf}} * Deen et al \\ //Propagation of magnetic and superconducting order in Gd/La superlattices// \\ J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, 3305 (2005) \\ {{papers:prb:gd_la.pdf}} * V. Pena, Z. Sefrioui, D. Arias, C. Leon, J.L. Martinez, and J. Santamaria \\ //Long length scale interaction between magnetism and superconductivity in LACMO/YBCO superlattices// \\ Eur. Phys. J. B 40, 479 (2004) \\ * José Œ. Prieto, Bas B. van Aken, José ‰. Martí®¬ A. Pé²¥z-Junquera, Gavin Burnell, Neil D. Mathur, and Mark G. Blamire \\ //Absence of spin scattering of in-plane spring domain walls \\ // Phys. Rev. B 71, 214428 (2005) \\ {{papers:prb:prb71_2005.pdf}} ===== Vortices ===== * R. Grimm \\ //Low-temperature physics: A quantum revolution// \\ Nature 435, 1035 (2005) \\ {{papers:nature:nature4351035a.pdf}} * M.W. Zwierlein et al. \\ //Vortices and superfluidity in a strongly interacting Fermi gas // \\ Nature 435, 1047 (2005) \\ {{papers:nature:nature03858.pdf}} ===== Superconducting nanowires ===== * M. Zgirski et al. \\ //Size dependent breakdown of superconductivity in ultranarrow nanowires.//\\ Nano Letters 5, 1029 (2005)\\ {{papers:nanoletters:nl050321e.pdf}} ---- [[papers:may]]-[[papers:july]]