Link to the manual: {{wiki:karlsuss_ma45_manual.pdf |manual}} ====== Prepare your sample ====== - clean your sample - turn on hot plate to 80 degrees - spin coat sample with OIR917 on recipe 2 - bake sample on hot plate for 1 min ====== start ====== - turn on the lamp using instructions on the machine - choose a mask - if you use a piece of Si, put the Cu holder on the plate and align one of the holes at 3 o'clock. use 2 useless pieces of Si on the other holes of the Cu holder and your sample on the aligned hole. - start the mask aligner by following the instruction on it. - expose your sample ====== Development ====== warning opd4262 is a strong base, when using this you are required to wear eye protection. To depose of this developer you have to put it in the acids bin (can be found under the wetbench with a black label). - Fill a small glass with developer (OPD4262) and one with demiwater. - Develop for 1 min. - put in demiwater at least 2 min - Dry with N2 and be careful not to damage your structure. ====== When you're done ====== - Switch off the lamp of the mask aligner and the mask aligner itself. - Switch off the hot plate. - Clean the spin coater. - Clean up the glasses you used. - Fill in the log book. If you want a new mask contact the technicians (609a)