====== Description ====== The K-cell evaporator is equipped with a Riber cell with a PBN crucible. The maximum temperature is 1350 C. The system is pumped with a turbo pump and can achieve a pressure in the 1e-8 mbar range after bake out (5e-7 without baking and 1 day of pumping). The system has a programmable Eurotherm temperature regulator and a manually operated shutter. ====== Manual ====== ==== Venting the chamber ==== - Switch off the ion gauge - Switch off the turbo pump and rotary pump - Vent //slowly// with the green valve on the turbo ==== Mounting the substrate ==== - Release the KF clamp and remove the sample holder - Mount the sample using the spring - Mount the sample holder and tighten the KF clamp ==== Pump down ==== - Switch on the rotary pump - Wait 5 min, you can hear from the sound of the rotary pump when the final pressure is reached ( there is no pirani to measure intermediate pressure) - Switch on the turbo pump - When the turbo pump is at full speed (all the green LED's are on) the ion gauge can be switched on by pushing emission - Pump until the desired pressure is reached (but always <1e-6 mbar) ==== Evaporating a film ==== - Program the Eurotherm with the Eurotherm control program (let the K-cell degas above the deposition temperature) - Open the shutter and time the deposition - Close the shutter ==== End ==== - Let the Eurotherm control program cool down the K-cell - **Let the K-cell cool down completely to RT before removing the sample** ====== Deposition rates ====== ^ Material ^ Date ^ User ^ Process parameters ^ Measured with ^ Result ^ Rate ^ | SiO2 | 20100331 | Boltje | 1090 oC | X-ray | 44 nm | 2.2 nm/min |