- Install [[http://www.debian.org|Debian]] GNU/Linux 3.1r4 (actual [[http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/|stable]] release, january 2007) - install package [[http://packages.debian.org/stable/admin/alien|alien]] - install KDE and/or GNOME (LabVIEW says it has desktop integration with this two) - copy the LabVIEW installation CD on the hard disk (i.e. /root/labview) - issue ''bash INSTALL'' from the dir where the disc has been copied. - answer to the installer questions - For some reasons something went wrong and some packages were not installed: manually install, if not present packages ''nicvirte-5.0.1-3.i386.rpm'' and ''nivisa-3.4.0-f0.i386.rpm''. You do this launching: \\ ''alien -t nicvirte-5.0.1-3.i386.rpm '' \\ ''alien -t nivisa-3.4.0-f0.i386.rpm'' - now you should manually install the outputted tgz files: - copy them to / - ''tar zxf .tgz'' from /. - if you have problems with the serial port (and VISA) follow instruction on [[http://www.examplehttp://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=64591.com|Forums National Instruments]] - To answer your question, looks like you don't have VISA configured properly. Try going to /usr/local/vxipnp/linux/NIvisa/ to run 'visaconf' and 'NIvisaic' for configuration and intereaction, respectively. You may have to do this as root. When done, the VISA resource name should magically appear in the control pull-down of your app. If you don't see it in the control, then it usually means that visaconf hasn't been run properly. - It may happen that the system complains about some missing libraries: then do the following: place the following in your''/etc/ld.so.conf'': \\ ''/usr/local/vxipnp/linux/lib'' \\ ''/usr/local/cvirte/lib''. \\ Then run ''ldconfig'' as root. This will configure the run-time bindings to the shared libraries. Look at the man page for details.