====== NanoLab facilities ====== ===== Deposition ===== ==== Sputtering ==== * 4-magnetron [[UHV system|UHV sputtering system]] (loadlock) * 3-target Leybold [[Z-400]] diode sputtering system * 4-source reactive [[oxides system]] for the epitaxial growth of Perovskites * 4-source AJA [[ATC-1800]] with substrate heating, cooling and RF bias (loadlock) * Available [[targets]] * [[Cressington 208HR|Cressington sputter coater for SEM]] ==== Evaporation ==== * [[K-cell evaporator]] * UHV multi-crucible [[e-gun evaporator]] for shadow evaporation (loadlock) ==== Substrate preparation ==== * laminar flow unit in 603 * fumehood in 603 for heating liquids and wet cleaning processes * Pt-Ir sputtering system for EM specimen preparation * Carbon evaporator for EM specimen preparation ===== Lithography ===== * [[Electron beam lithography]], the [[Raith 100 / E-line]] with laser stage is the main workhorse nowadays, it routinely writes 50 nm lines in PMMA, 3 sigma overlay and stitch accuracy are below 80 nm. * [[Optical lithography]] is still done ===== Etching ===== * [[PlasmaLab 90+]] RIE etcher (fluorine etcher, SF6, CF4, O2, Ar) * [[ion beam etcher]] for dry etching (can do CAIBE) * Nanoscale ion milling is done with the dual beam [[http://dutsm43.stm.tudelft.nl/microscopes/fib.html|SEM/FIB]] at the HREM centre in Delft (400 euro per day) * O2 [[barrel etcher]] for resist removal and substrate cleaning * wetbench in the clean room for development and wet etching * A fume hood for the use of strong acids in 607 ===== Analysis and inspection ===== * [[FEI NanoSEM 200]] scanning electron microscope (BioAFM group) (features a nanotube/wire nanomanipulator, EBID deposition, low vacuum mode, STEM, cryoSEM and many other options) * [[JEOL 820 SEM]] scanning electron microscope * RBS analysis at [[http://www.amolf.nl|Amolf]] * 120 kV [[Philips EM410]] transmission electron microscope * optical microscopes in the cleanroom and 614 * AFM for measuring surface topograpy of films and structures, MFM, EFM etc. * The group has a low angle X-ray diffraction system [[Siemens D5005]] that can measure the crystal structure (if any) and thickness of thin films * Quantum Design [[MPMS]]-5S (Magnetic Properties Measurement System) and [[PPMS]] (Physical Properties Measurement System) ===== Sample mounting ===== * [[wire bonder]] for bonding Al and Au wire ===== Computing ===== * Raith E_line for e-beam structure design at the e-beam and in 626 * Rump in 626 for RBS spectrum simulation * Specon in 614 for Ortec channel data to RUMP conversion * Sputsim for MC/MD simulation of magnetron sputtering / liftoff processes * Casino in 626 for MC simulation of electrons in resists/substrates * SRIM / TRIM (SP) / FRACTAL TRIM in 626 for MC simulation of RBS and sputtering * Analysis in 614 for SEM image analysis