====== A note about deposition rates ====== The calibrations can be found on the page of each deposition system. It is crucial to include **all** relevant informantion about the process. A calibration should always include: * Date of sample fabrication * Sample ID to find sample in system logbook * Process parameters (pressure, current, voltage, deposition time, xtal thickness etc.) * Measurement method (X-ray, RBS, AFM etc.) * Measurement result * Rate (nm/s or nm/A) ====== To the calibrations ====== * [[UHV system#deposition_rates|UHV sputtering system]] * [[Z-400#deposition_rates Z406|Z-400 sputtering system]] * [[Oxides system#deposition_rates|Oxide epitaxy system]] * [[ATC-1800#deposition_rates|ATC-1800F sputtering system]] * [[K-Cell evaporator#deposition_rates|K-cell evaporator]] * [[E-gun evaporator#deposition_rates|UHV E-gun evaporator]]