====== Description ====== ====== Manual ====== ===== Sample Loading ===== - Lift the top plate and remove the glass cylinder. Take care that the top-plate does not fall forward. The target can be damaged by striking the sample table. - Place your sample, mounted on a stub, on the stage. - Unlock the tilt lever of the stage. - Set tilt at desired angle and lock the tilt lever again. - If a thickness controlled process will be used change the angle of the thickness crystal so that it faces towards the sputter target. - Check that the stage isn't hindered by the wire of the thickness crystal by letting the stage rotate at the desired speed. - Replace glass cylinder and gently lower the top plate. Check that the top plate sits correctly on the glass cylinder. - Turn on the system and allow the system to pump to better than 0,01 mbar and then wait for another 5 minutes. ===== Automatic Controlled Process ===== ==== Pre-Sputtering ==== - Select Auto with the auto/manual button. - Select timer. - Set pre-sputtering time at 10 seconds by holding PAUSE/TEST and pressing the timer SET buttons. - Set pre-sputter current to desired value by holding the SET mA button and pressing the timer SET buttons. Available currents 20, 40, 60, and 80 mA. - Make sure the shutter is closed - Press CYCLE/STOP to start pre-sputering process. The system will proceed through its standard cycle. ==== Sputtering ==== - Select timer for a timed process or MTM for a thickness controlled process. - Timed process, Change sputtering time by holding PAUSE/TEST and pressing the timer SET buttons. Time can be set between 5 and 300 seconds. - Thickness controlled process - Turn on the thickness monitor (MTM 20) - Set the correct density according to the target material by pressing the DENSITY button once and find the correct setting by scrolling with the scroll buttons. - Set the correct tooling factor according to stage tilt by pressing the TOOLING button once and find the correct setting by scrolling with the scroll buttons. - Set desired coating thickness by holding the TERMINATOR button for one second. The value for the thickness will show up and can be adjusted with the scroll buttons. - Set sputter current to desired value by holding the SET mA button and pressing the timer SET buttons. Available currents 20, 40, 60, and 80 mA. - Set roatating speed of stage at desired value. - Open shutter - Press CYCLE/STOP to start the sputtering process. The system will proceed through its standard cycle. - After sputtering note the final thickness for a thickness controlled process. - Close shutter. ==== When Done ==== - Switch off the system to automatically vent the chamber, which will take approximately 2 minutes. - Lift the top plate and remove the glass cylinder. - Set tilt of the stage to the horizontal position. - Remove your sample. - Clean inside of the glass cylinder with a tissue and ethanol to keep the glass clear. - Replace glass cylinder and gently lower the top plate. Leave the system vented. ===== Manual process for Cr-sputtering ===== - Select manual with the auto/manual button. - Select timer for a timed process or MTM for a thickness controlled process. - Timed process, Change sputtering time by holding PAUSE/TEST and pressing the timer SET buttons. Time can be set between 5 and 300 seconds. - Thickness controlled process - Turn on the thickness monitor (MTM 20) - Set the correct density according to the target material by pressing the DENSITY button once and find the correct setting by scrolling with the scroll buttons. - Set the correct tooling factor according to stage tilt by pressing the TOOLING button once and find the correct setting by scrolling with the scroll buttons. - Set desired coating thickness by holding the TERMINATOR button for one second. The value for the thickness will show up and can be adjusted with the scroll buttons. - Set sputter current to 80 mA by holding the SET mA button and pressing the timer SET buttons. - Set rotating speed of stage at desired value. - Open argon flush valve for 10 seconds, then close. - Pump to 0,001 mbar - Open argon flush valve for 3 seconds, then close - Open leak valve. - When pressure reaches better than 0,03 mbar set MTM-20 to ZERO for a thickness controlled process - Press START/STOP to start sputtering - Initially the discharge will be pink of colour. It will turn blue when the surface layer of chromium oxide is removed and chromium begins toe sputter. - When plasma turns blue open the shutter - After sputtering note the final thickness for a thickness controlled process. - Close shutter. ====== Available Targets ====== ^ Target Material ^ Atomic Number ^ Density in g/cm³ ^ | Pt/Pd (80/20) | 78/46 | 19,52 | | Cr | 24 | 7,19 | | Ir | 77 | 22,56 | ====== Deposition Rates ====== ^ Target Material ^ Date ^ User ^ Tilt ^ Current ^ Time ^ Measurement ^ Result ^ Rate ^ | Pt/Pd (80/20) | | | | 40 mA | | | | | | Cr | | | | 80 mA | | | | | | Ir | | | | 40 mA | | | | |