====== Description ====== The barrel etcher is an O2 resist etcher/stripper for post-development cleaning of substrates or cleaning of SEM specimen. It is pumped by a 2-stage rotary pump with Fomblin oil. ====== Manual ====== - Open the O2 cylinder - Turn the valve to ''vent'' - When the door pops open, close the vent valve - Remove the glass boat, //touch it only with gloves// - Put your substrate in the glass boat - Slide the glass boat back into the apparatus, in the middle of the electrodes or 'downstream' - Close the door and switch on the pump - Wait until the pressure drops below 1e-2 mbar - Turn the valve to ''etch'' - Set the gas flow so that the chamber pressure is 1e-1 mbar - Switch on the mains of the RF power supply - Switch on RF power (100 W) and time the process (verify that reflected power is zero) - Switch off RF power - Switch off RF power supply - Switch off pump - Vent and remove the sample, turn the valve to ''off'' - Leave the system at vacuum with the boat inside and the pump off ====== Etching rates ====== ^ Material ^ Date ^ Rate ^ | PMMA | 20050202 | 10 nm/min | Be careful when etching resists on catalyst surfaces like Pd or Pt!