====== Welcome to the LION Scanning Probe Microscopy Facility ====== The Scanning Probe Microscopy User Facility is a shared laboratory of the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) providing Atomic Force Microscopes with several measurement options (like STM) . It is available to the rest of the Leiden University under request. We can also offer some support for academy and industry outside the Leiden University. Contact person and facility manager is Dr. Federica Galli, contact information is [[afm:about|here]]. The facility provides the following microscopes:\\ 1 JPK Nanowizard 3 Ultra Speed AFM/STM, \\ 1 JPK Nanowizard 4 AFM, \\ 1 Bruker Multimode AFM/STM with Nanoscope V controller,\\ 1 Bruker Multimode AFM/STM with Nanoscope IIIA controller,\\ 1 "Development" STM (Multimode with SoftdB MK2 Controller)\\ {{afm:img_1367.jpg?1500}}\\ The microscopes allow a versatile set of SPM modes/measurements: STM, Contact AFM, Tapping AFM, Current Sensing AFM, Electric Force Microscopy, Magnetic Force Microscopy, Surface Potential, Peak Force AFM, PF-Tunneling AFM, Piezo Force Microscopy, Quantitative Nanomechanical Property Mapping, Quantitative Imaging (JPK),Advanced Quantitative Imaging (JPK), High speed imaging (JPK), closed loop operation (JPK) and Nanolithography (JPK). All these modes are possible in air AND in liquid. Several accessories are available: cooling/heating stage, EC cell, environmental chamber.\\ * Manuals and generic SPM documentation ([[afm:wiki|wiki]]) (Password required).\\ * Equipment [[https://www.physics.leidenuniv.nl/booked/Web/|reservation]].\\ * Important [[afm:safety_and_lab_regulations|regulations and safety related rules]]. Mandatory for all SPM lab users!\\ * Contact information [[afm:about|here]].