====== SPM Books ====== Upload here handy documentation, like review and books, about Scanning Probe Microscopes. Please upload the files belonging to this section in the namespace (directory) [[http://msm09.physics.leidenuniv.nl/dokuwiki/lib/exe/media.php?ns=biospmlab:books|biospmlab/books]]. ===== Starters ===== * SPM basics, book.\\ {{biospmlab:books:spmbook.pdf}}\\ * SPM basics, short book.\\ {{biospmlab:books:spm_gettingstarted.pdf}}\\ * Practical Guide {{afm:practical_guide.pdf}}\\ * Practical Guide 2 {{afm:SPM_Guide_0829_05_166.pdf}}\\ ===== Advanced ===== Review articles: * Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, APL **58**, 2921 (1991): {{afm:ApplPhysLett_58_2921.pdf}}\\ * Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and its Applications, Surface Science Reports **66**, 1-27 (2011):{{afm:skpm-review.pdf}}\\